Thursday, February 18, 2016

Celebrating Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette

     Our littlest princess has a mouthful for a name:  Mary-Katherine Bernadette Brown.  She is named for Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Katharine Drexel, and Saint Bernadette.  This means that between her feast days and her birthday, she has 1 celebration per week from February 11th - March 3rd!!! Being the youngest of 6 and a little girl amongst many brothers and one loving big sister, she is beyond doted over.  Having this many feasts right in a row only adds to the fun and she wears the "princess crown" quite happily while she is fussed over and spoiled constantly.   I've mentioned in older posts (here) how much I enjoy watching all the siblings on feast days; how they take extra care to serve and honor and dote on the person who's saint is being celebrated.  Well the past 2 weeks have been no different as we celebrated both Our Lady of Lourdes (February 11) and Saint Bernadette (February 18).  Since these two feast go hand in hand, you could easily do some, or all, of the celebrations on only one of the days, but since Mary-Kate is named after both Our Lady and St. Bernadette, we like to spread the festivities out between the two days.
     For anyone who doesn't know the story, Our Lady appeared in Lourdes, France 17 times to a little peasant girl named Bernadette Soubirous.  She told Bernadette to dig in the dirt near the grotto in which she appeared and a spring of water came forth from that place.  Many physical healings occurred by those who drank or came into contact with the water.  Many people also had spiritual healing and renewal and came back to the Faith because of the apparitions and healings that occurred.   Many people still visit Lourdes today and many healings still occur.  I visited both Navers, France (where St. Bernadette lived and died as a Sister of Charity) and Lourdes.  I was blessed to pray before the incorrupt body of Bernadette, bathe in the healing waters of Lourdes, and pray the rosary with thousands of other pilgrims in the nightly candlelit processions outside the beautiful basilica that was built next to the grotto where Our Lady appeared in 1858.  It was a most sacred experience and one I will hold dear forever.  I pray to someday be able to bring my little Mary-Katherine Bernadette there to experience the same peace and beauty and holiness from which her name came.

     To honor Our Lady of Lourdes we say a novena the 9 days leading up to her feast day.  We offer it for any and all loved ones in need of healing (both physical and spiritual), as well as for the sanctification of our little Mary-Kate.  Then on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes we go to Mass, eat blueberry french toast casserole for breakfast, and have an all white dinner of chicken or shrimp alfredo.  We also still have some of the Lourdes water from when the hubs and I visited, so we bless all the children and fill all the holy water fonts throughout the house.

     We were so busy enjoying our day, as well Our Lady of Lourdes fell on Thursday this year and Thursdays are our busy nights, that I didn't get any pictures.

     Exactly one week later on February 18th we celebrate Saint Bernadette.  For this feast we watch a short movie about Saint Bernadette and eat "dirt" parfaits.  I did remember to get a few pictures of this.  Sometimes we do a snacky lunch of baguettes, brie, grapes, and hard boiled eggs.  But this year we had a late breakfast, so we did the parfaits for lunch instead and then just had an early dinner.

     Below I have a list of our foods and why we chose them as well as any links to recipes or prayers.

~Overnight Blueberry French Toast Casserole: Blueberries for Our Lady's blue sash that she wore when appearing to St. Bernadette and FRENCH toast because Lourdes is in France.
~Shrimp or Chicken Alfredo: White for Our Lady's purity as she told Bernadette that she was the Immaculate Conception.
~Dirt Parfaits: These represent the dirt Mary told Bernadette to dig in where the spring of healing waters came forth.  This year my oldest two made these treats completely independently.  They were so proud of themselves and it was a big help to me.  I love having big kids.  They are such a gift!!!
~Baguettes and Brie cheese:  both of these are French and the French love to have snacky-type lunches like this all the time.  It reminds me of my time in France and is easy peasy.  By adding some grapes on the side and a few hard-boiled eggs, it is a delicious and well rounded meal.
~Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes
~St.Bernadette Movie (you could also watch Song of Bernadette, but MK is a little young for that yet)

I love teaching my kids about the Saints and their love for Our Lord!  Making it fun and tangible through delicious food just makes it even better!  May God Bless you and your family...and as always....Happy Feasting!!!

Ready to "dig in" to our "dirt" parfaits while watching our St.Bernadette movie