Friday, October 16, 2015

7 Quick Takes on the Awesomeness of Large Family Life

I had so much fun with last week's 7QT link-up that I decided to come back for another round.  This week's theme is, "what blogs have you found through 7 quick takes?"  Well, if we are being honest, I didn't even know about 7QT or Conversion Diary until Kelly at This AIn't the Lyceum started linking up.  Kelly is a good friend and I was trying to be a good friend and support her blogging efforts when she first began, so I read as faithfully as I could.  The only blogs I knew of or followed were hers and Mary's over at Sometimes Martha, Always Mary because....well I knew these people in real life and was happy to support their endeavors.  But through Kelly, I found Conversion Dairy (awesome...cant believe I didn't know it existed), Carrots for Michaelmas, and Catholic All Year.  I still am only a "faithful" follower of Mary and Kelly because I am weird like that.  But when I am looking for a good read, or have extra time on my hands, I know I can hit up some of these other awesome blogs or go to the 7QT link up and find some great reads.  SO, thanks Kel, for opening up my world.  LOL
Now, on to my post for this week.... As I am  currently 4.5 months pregnant with my 7th child, this post was inspired by the questions and comments we inevitably get when people find out how many we children we have and CAN. NOT. BELIEVE we are adding yet another one to the mix!  So, without further adieu...


7.  You can always find your car in the parking lot no matter how crowded it may be.  Even at the height of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shopping season, you can spot your vehicle in no time.  

This might be a slight exaggeration,
but sometimes this is what it feels like I drive.

6.  Your stick figure family ALWAYS dominates any other stick figure family.

If you are really into this, Mom can be changed out from "preggo mom" to "skinny mom"
depending on what stage she happens to be in at that particular moment.

  5. You have more than enough people to pull off something like one of these for your annual Christmas card photo shoot:

I know you are loving this idea.
You're Welcome! ;)

4.  Who else in the world can get as much free labor to clean their house, mow their lawn, and clean out their car?  Between kids who are in trouble and ones who want something, we can always find someone do clean something.  That's why we are so wealthy and our homes immaculate, right?!?  LOL

Moms were the originators of creating incentives

3. Everywhere you go you are surrounded by "fans." Whether it is your children who can't bear to be apart from you for even one moment; screaming and crying lest they be separated from you...Or all the people who, when out and about, can't keep their "adoring gaze" off of you and your brood...Or the number of people who "can't contain their excitement" when they see you with your family, and "just have to" come and talk to you.....your popularity just can't be topped.

This is just what it feel like, right folks???

2. You see this and know that even though most people can't understand it, this is 100% the truth:


1. You get to bring this amount of joy and excitement to your children more often than most people.  It really is better than Christmas, folks.  There truly is no greater gift than a sibling.

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