Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Easy Treats to Celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary

Tomorrow (October 7th) is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  While brainstorming ideas on how to celebrate with my fam, I came up with this easy and super cute treat idea: one-decade grape rosary treats!!!

All you need is the following:
~grapes (red or green)
~dental floss
~a needle or paper clip (unfolded)
~peanut butter (or nut butter of your choosing)
~pretzel sticks or rods

Our completed one-decade grape rosary!
I would recommend pretzel rods for the cross, but I forgot them at the store last night.

Our floss "needle" paperclips.
I just tied the string to the end and we laced the grapes right up.
Easy peasy!!!

Break off a strand of the dental floss and tie one end to your needle or opened paper clip.  Lace through 10 grapes.  Cut the floss leaving a little extra string on both ends.  Break a pretzel rod into two pieces and using the peanut butter, glue together to form a cross.  Place the cross at the end of the strips (I didn't tie anything since they are just going to pull everything off to eat it.  Why make more work for yourself or your kids).

My bigger kids (7 and up) could do this themselves.  The 4 and 2 year old needed a little supervision and help.  Then, at snack time you can say a decade of the rosary....one grape at a time.  What a fun way to celebrate and incorporate praying the rosary (especially with little ones)!!!

Hope you enjoy!  
Happy feasting!!!!

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