Monday, June 15, 2015

Beauty in the Heart of My Home, Sunday Sneak Peek

Last week I talked about beauty in the home.  Then I listed some ways that we try to "live beauty" within our four walls.  I mentioned our fancy Sunday Brunch.  It really is one of our favorite traditions.

Even when I don't feel like putting in all the effort of setting out the china and cooking and such, the kids excitement every week keeps me from letting myself be lazy and just eat bagels on paper plates.  And since we have been doing it for a while now, everyone knows what it takes to make it happen and everyone pitches in.

The oldest 5 are able to help with the setting of the table, and the hubs and the top 3 kids are all able to help with the cooking.  Someone is usually assigned to toddler duty.  Otherwise, with all the hustle and bustle happening in the kitchen she will get run over or into trouble.  Sometimes that someone is me, and I get to just relax and I get to just sit and enjoy baby girl and not have to cook and set all the things in motion for a change.  Those are really nice Sundays.

It's not a perfect process. Sometimes there is arguing or impatient snaps, but I think the joy and beauty and routine of it all transcends that, and the kids will remember this with fondness as they grow up and venture out into the world on their own (at least, that is my hope).  So, without further are some photos of the table all set and ready for our feasting.

Ready to eat!!!*

My loves!!!

*(perfectionist spaz disclaimer....we usually use a plain, cream-colored table cloth, but I couldn't find it anywhere.  grrrr.  So, we used the checkered one.  Which is too "busy" in my opinion and takes away from the beauty of the china. I ain't perfect!)  And to my credit, I didn't even say anything about wishing we had the cream table cloth out loud.  This is progress for me, folks!!!  I am a self-proclaimed, recovering perfectionist!!!  :)

Thanks for stopping by!  
~Hope you had a beautiful weekend and a blessed week to come!~

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