Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer Schedule

In summers past, we have never had a schedule.  The kids had chores to do, but we sort of just flitted around with n'er a care in the world.  Or, at least the kids did.  I spent most of my time trying to keep the house clean and keep the kids happy when it was "too hot to go outside" (this is my kids whining and before we became members of our local pool).  We did slip-n-slides, popsicles, sprinklers....but there was a lot of inside time, and honestly, a lot of complaining.  

One would think (seeing that my oldest is 12) that I would have come up with a "summer schedule" years ago.  But apparently I am slow on the uptake, because this is our first year.  The truth is that I felt like somehow having a "summer schedule" shouldn't be necessary.  We have a schedule all year.  And isn't that what summer is all about???  Unrestricted play.  Endless days filled with wonder and spontaneous creativity.  I am an idealist.  And I thought that given the freedom, all of these things should simply fall into place.  Because, well, it was summer.  And that's when these things happen, right?  (I crack myself up as I type this.  This is so unrealistic...yet I have spent the past 10+ years expecting it to happen this way!)

We finished up our school year the last week in May.  After a week of just waiting for the "summer magic" to occur...I decided I was going to have to intervene.  If the magic wasn't going to happen, then "I was at least going to have order around here, darnit!!!"  (that is me yelling at the children)

And so, the summer schedule was born.  From me losing my cool.

Behold the beauty:
(I made this on the computer myself.  It is my first time making such a document.  I am completely inept with computer stuff, so I am SUPER proud of this baby)

Since putting this in place, I have to say...all the magic that I had been dreaming about all these years is happening.  And I am not the one orchestrating it all!!!  Since we posted this chart, these things have occurred: 
1. The kids have made up a pillow game that they play together in the basement.  There are rules and strategies, and they are assessing it over lunch to try to make it better.
2. Child #3 is teaching Child #4 the piano.  
3. More books have been consumed (and enjoyed) by #3 than ever before (he is our one who doesn't love to read)!
4. I have been the joyful audience for a magic show, a dance performance, and a basketball game
5. #2 made a family favorite recipe for breakfast one morning while I was still sleeping, all of his own accord.  
6.  Lots of coloring and drawing and creating of beautiful artwork has been made to decorate my fridge and walls.
7. My house is clean.
8. The kids are getting along.

Now, I am sure some of this is the newness of it all, however, who knew that what the kids needed was just a little guidance to get their creative juices flowing.  You live and learn, I guess.  :)

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